
Topics of the seminars and classes

Seminars:   10 hours 

1.  Headaches, vertigo, impaired balance, sense organs disorders- when and whom to ask for advice?

2.  Consciousness disturbances

3.  Dyspnea and cyanosis

4.  Chest pain. What to do after history taking and physical examination?

5.  Abnormal ECG

6.  Colic, ‘acute abdomen’, abdominal pain – who and when should be asked for consultation.

7.  How to proceed with patient with fever.

8. Anaemias; haemostatic, thrombotic and myeloproliferative disorders – the basics

9.  Joint pains, arthralgias. Disorders of musculosceletal system.

10. Water balance disturbances


Classes:     40 hours

1. Patient with sensual and consciousness disorders

2. Patient with valvular heart disease; acute coronary syndrome, chronic and acute heart failure.   

3. Patient with chest pain, dysponoe, hemoptysis

4.Patient with asthma, COPD, pneumonia.

5. Patient with abdominal tumor and peritonitis signs.

6. Differential diagnosis of fever

7. Generalized and localized edema. Oliguria and anuria.  

8. Patient with hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy.

9. Patient with inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of musculoskeletal system

10. Overview of history taking, physical assessment and differential diagnosis in internal medicine.