

Schoole of Medicine

Collegium Medicum

University of Warmia and Mazury

in Olsztyn


Internal Medicine

 (according to the Schedule for the course planned for the academic years  2024/2025



SUBJECT OF TEACHING:  MD program in English

Course of Internal Medicine includes classes from:

  • at the 3rd year - Internal Medicine
  • at 4th, 5th and 6th year – Internal Medicine: Cardiology, Pulmonology and Allergology, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Endocrinology and Diabetology, Nephrology (incl. dialysis) and Hypertension, Hematology, Rheumatology.

Schedules for each course in consecutive year of study in a given academic year are provided in the following websites:


Department of Internal Medicine:

Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine

Head: Prof. Elżbieta Bandurska-Stankiewicz MD, PhD


Clinic of Nephrology, Hypertension and Internal Medicine

Head: Prof. Tomasz StompórMD, PhD


Hematology Ward

Head: Janusz Hałka MD,PhD

MSWiA Hospital Aleja Wojska Polskiego 37 11-041 Olsztyn


Department of Pulmonology

Head: Prof. Anna Doboszyńska MD, PhD


Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine

Head: dr hab. n. med.Leszek Gromadziński, prof. UWM MD, PhD


Rheumatology Ward

Head: Magdalena Krajewska-Włodarczyk MD, PhD,oddzial-reumatologiczny



Course Coordinator: Piotr Cygański, MD, PhD I Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine Municipal Hospital in Olsztyn, Niepodległości 44 Str


Classes are held (according to the separate schedule) in the following Departments:


3rd year:


Department of Pulmonology

Pulmonology Hospital - Samodzielny Publiczny Zespól Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc

Jagiellońska 78 Str., 10-357 Olsztyn

Head: Prof. Anna Doboszyńska, MD, PhD


Clinic of Ednocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine

Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn, 3rd floor

Head: Prof. Elżbieta Bandurska-Stankiewicz MD, PhD 


Clinic of Nephrology, Hypertension and Internal Medicine

Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10- 561 Olsztyn

Head: Prof. Tomasz Stompór MD, PhD


 2nd Clinic of  Cardiology and Internal Medicine, -Szpital Uniwersytecki Warszawska 30 Street

Head: Leszek Gromadziński MD, PhD


4th, 5th  and 6th  year:


Department of Pulmonology

Pulmonology Hospital - Warmia and Mazury Center for Lung Diseases

Jagiellońska 78 Str., 10-357 Olsztyn

Head: Prof. Anna Doboszyńska, MD, PhD


Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine

Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn, 3rd floor

Head: Prof. Elżbieta Bandurska-Stankiewicz MD, PhD 


Clinic of Nephrology, Hypertension and Internal Medicine

Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10- 561 Olsztyn, 2nd floor

Head: Prof. Tomasz Stompór MD, PhD


Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine


I th Clinic of Cardiology and Internal Medicine

Municipal Hospital – Szpital Miejski ul. Niepodległości 44, 10-045 Olsztyn

Head: Prof. Andrzej Rynkiewicz MD, PhD


2nd Clinic of  Cardiology and Internal Medicine -Szpital Uniwersytecki Warszawska 30 Street

Head: Leszek GromadzińskiMD, PhD


Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine Ward – MSWiA Hospital, Wojska Polskiego 37 Street.

Head: Radosław Grabysa MD,PhD


Hematology Ward

Head: Janusz Hałka MD,PhD

MSWiA Hospital Aleja Wojska Polskiego 37 11-041 Olsztyn


Rheumatology Ward

MunicipalHospital – Szpital Miejski Al. Wojska Polskiego 30, 10-045 Olsztyn

Teaching Coordinator: Magdalena Krajewska-Włodarczyk MD, PhD



mgr Barbara 89 5245389 (Cardiology and Internal Medicine )

mgr Maria Kwiatkowska 895322959 (Pulmonology )

mgr Jolanta Gruchacz:; 89 5386367 (Endocrinology, Diabetology, Nephrology, Hypertension, Hematology)






  1. Lectures are held in on line form at time specified in the schedule, for the whole year.
  2. The content of lectures supplements and extends the issues discussed at – on line, seminars and classes in form traditional. Knowledge from lectures will be included into practical and theoretical exams.
  3. The participation in lectures is obligatory.




  1. Before the start of clinical classes, the student is obliged to read these terms and conditions. Each students signs a document - confirmation of accepting these terms and conditions in the Internal Medicine Clinic Secretariat, prior to the first class.
  2. The student is also required to comply with the Rules BHP of the Hospital, in which the course is held, in particular - to the principles of sanitary and epidemiological safety.
  3. Before the classes the student is obliged to change his/her outfit. The student needs to change shoes, have an ID, medical white coat and stethoscope.
  4. All classes are held according to the schedule. Students and clinical class teachers are expected to be on time at the class start.
    1. During the course at bedside or clinical demonstration student is obliged to respect the rights of the patient, and in particular the right to privacy and respect for his dignity.
    2. During the clinical classes the student should to keep order and cleanliness, as well as care of appropriate behavior. Smoking is not permitted. Eating is possible only during breaks between the classes.
    3. The student is required to participate in the classes with his/her assigned group. To participate in classes with another group, the student must have a written approval of the Dean.
    4. The student is required to be prepared for each class, from the material scheduled for the given class and from the material discussed previously. The teachers will evaluate student’s activities and achievements using an individual ‘expertise card’ form at the end each semester (VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII). The teacher has the right to check the preparation of the student for the class and make an ‘entry’ test. The test can be oral or written. If the student is considered not prepared, the teacher may not allow him/her to participate in the class, indicating the form of retaking it.
      1. Attendance at lectures, seminars and classes is obligatory.
      2. Confirmation of absence be justified by an appropriate document (medical confirmation or other available documents; inability to complete applications on time.
      3. Absences can be made up with another connection if there are problems with classes in another group, in the form of notifying the student at the doctor's office in the afternoon
      4. In the event of an unjustified attendance at classes, the student should notify the course coordinator and the Dean of the Faculty of termination and lack of justification in writing. The final decision rests with the course coordinator.
      5. Completion of seminars performed on the basis of the judgment and auxiliary cards. The exercises are graded on the basis of a grade based on a competency test.


Consultations of Internal Medicine:

  • Department of Pulmonology:

Prof. Anna Doboszyńska MD, PhD  Monday and Thursday in hours 13.00-14.00 (by appointment by phone with the Secretariat of the clinic) Warmia and Mazury Center for Lung Diseases-Warmińsko -Mazurskie Centrum Chorób Płuc

Płuc Jagiellońska 78 Str., 10-357 Olsztyn

  • Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine:

I thDepartment of Cardiology and Internal Medicine

Prof. Andrzej Rynkiewicz MD, PhD Tuesday in hours 9.30 - 10.30 Municipal Hospital – Szpital Miejski ul. Niepodległości 44, 10-045 Olsztyn  room 32

  • Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine:

II ndDepartment of Cardiology and Internal Medicine

Prof. Leszek Gromadziński  MD, PhD University Hospital- Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny Al. Warszawska 30 10-082 Olsztyn

  • Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine:

Prof. Elżbieta Bandurska-Stankiewicz MD, PhD Monday in hours 12.00-13.00  Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn, 3rd floor

  • Clinic of Nephrology, Hypertension and Internal Medicine:

Prof. Tomasz Stompór MD, PhD Monday in hours  10.00-11.00 Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10- 561 Olsztyn, 2nd floor

  • Cardiology Ward

Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10- 561 Olsztyn,

Dr hab. n. med. Adam Kern,MD, PhD

  • Hematology Ward

Head: Janusz Hałka MD,PhD

MSWiA Hospital Aleja Wojska Polskiego 37 11-041 Olsztyn

  • Rheumatology Ward:

Dr hab. n. med. Magdalena Krajewska-Włodarczyk MD, PhD  Wednesday in hours 11.00-12.00  Municipal Hospital – Szpital Miejski Al. Wojska Polskiego 30, ul. Niepodległości 44, 10-045 Olsztyn


  • Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine Ward – MSWiA Hospital, Wojska Polskiego 37 Street.

Head: Radosław Grabysa MD,PhD. Lek. Med. Joanna Woźniak, lek. Med. Jacek Janiszewski





3rd year:

  1. Clinical classes with patients
  2. Clinical Skills


4th, 5th and  6th year:

  1. Clinical classes with patients
  2. Discuss of clinical cases
  3. Doctors Rounds and classes in small groups
  4. Participation in diagnostic tests
  5. Observation and participation in medical activities and procedures




  1. Blocks of classes on each subject are preceded with the oral or written test of preparation to particular block. Failure to pass may result in refraining student from participation in classes.
  2. Blocks of classes on each subject are followed with the oral or written test assessing the knowledge learnt during the particular block. Failure to pass may result in failure of the whole block. 
  3. Scores received following each block of classes influence on the final score on internal medicine from the whole semester and may influence on allowance to join credit or exam.
  4. Attendance lists are reported to the Subject Coordinator at the end of each semester. Subject Coordinator is also informed about all failures in attendance or preparation to particular classes that may lead to refrain student to join credit or exam and a list of students who have not fulfilled the conditions to pass the semester or year. Individual ‘expertise card’ forms are also reported to the Subject Coordinator.
  5. Please note that it is an examination offence to use any didactic teaching aids or communication devices. Violation of this rule results in receiving an unsatisfactory grade - FAIL grade.


3rd year:

  • after 5th semester:

Description of the patient history and physical examination and a standardized test of physical examination skills.

The student will be informed within two or three weeks of the last block of the classes in the semester, which patient is assigned for evaluation. The students are required to give back their work on the last day of the class. The work is checked by assistants and scored with the standardized score (2, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5).

The decision of passing and the score obtained are established by the examiner. The Subject Coordinator may verify this decision.


  • After 6th semester

Physical examination and history taking skills test (according to the regulations from the 5th semester) and a written test on the content of the whole 3rd year. The test consists of 90 questions (single choice). 60% of correct answers is the passing score. Oral credit – in front of the Head of the Department - will be performed for those who fail in the first attempt, depending on the individual consent granted from the Vice Dean for Student Affairs. Those student who fail the credit will repeat the whole academic year. Credits must be completed before start of an exam session.  No commission credits are allowed.


4th year:

  • After 7th semester

test on knowledge covered during the 7th semester, 3rd year, from the nephrology of 30 questions, single choice. The student’ needs to pass all classes and related practical skills, before she/he can write the test. 60% of correct answers is the passing score. Oral credit – in front of the Head of the Department - will be performed for those who fail in the first attempt, depending on the individual consent granted from the Vice Dean for Student Affairs. Those student who fail the credit will repeat the whole academic year. Credits must be completed before start of an exam session.  No commission credits are allowed.


After 8th semester

test on knowledge covered during the 7th and 8th semester, 3rd year, from the nephrology of 30 questions, single choice. 60% of correct answers is the passing score. Oral credit – in front of the Head of the Department - will be performed for those who fail in the first attempt, depending on the individual consent granted from the Vice Dean for Student Affairs. Those student who fail the credit will repeat the whole academic year. Credits must be completed before start of an exam session.  No commission credits are allowed.


5th year:

  • After 9th semester

test on knowledge covered during the 7th, 8th and 9th semester, 3rd year, from the endocrinology, of 60 questions, single choice. The student needs to pass all classes and related practical skills, before she/he can write the test. 60% of correct answers is the passing score. Oral credit – in front of the Head of the Department - will be performed for those who fail in the first attempt, depending on the individual consent granted from the Vice Dean for Student Affairs. Those student who fail the credit will repeat the whole academic year. Credits must be completed before start of an exam session.  No commission credits are allowed.

  • After 10th semester

credit for lectures and seminar grade for semester 10


6th year:

  • After 11th semester

evaluation of the exercises.

  • After 12th semesterFINAL EXAM, consisting of:

- test covering the whole program of Internal Medicine, Introduction to Internal Medicine and pathophysiology of diseases, consisting out of 120 single choice questions. 60% of correct answers is the passing score. After failing the test two  retake attempts are possible. Their form (i.e. test vs oral) will depend on the number of students who failed the previous attempt and will apply for retake (based on the decision of the subject coordinator). This will be announced, before the retake exam session begins – usually at the beginning of September (see below).

- practical exam. The exam covers all skills included in the program of the studies in the field of Internal Medicine. The examiners will be chosen randomly. The clinic/department for practical exam will be assigned randomly; the oral exam will be held in front of the professor who runs particular clinic/department.

- oral exam. The exam will be conducted by professors from the Departments of Internal Medicine. The examiners will be assigned randomly, as previously mentioned in relation to practical exam. Students will be allowed to take this exam only after passing the test and  practical exam. The exam includes 4 theoretical-practical questions (with possible case studies); the set of questions is draw by the student from the question pool. The final grade is an averaged score of answers to the individual questions. In case of exam failure the students will retake it in the retake exam session.

Student has a right to two retake exams: first oral retake (after successful passing of a retake test) and second oral retake (if retake test or first oral retake fails). In case of failure in the second oral retake the student has a right to the board exam in front of the faculty members that consists out of two specialists in a field (Heads of Departments or Clinics/Wards), Dean or Vice-Dean and a student’s community representative.

  1. Final grade from the Internal Medicine exam is a averaged score from the practical exam, knowledge test and oral exam.

Scale ratings:

60-% - 67,9% - 3,0

68% - 74,9% - 3,5

75% - 82,9% - 4,0

83% - 89,9% - 4,5

90% - 100% - 5,0




§5. Final remarks


  1. All matters not included in the course regulations are decided by the Subject Coordinator, upon written request of the student. Should it be impossible to take a formal decision - the decision will be made by the Dean of English Division.
  1. The regulations of classes are in accordance with the UWM Study Regulations and the procedures in force at the Faculty of Medicine.
  2. The student is required to read the health and safety rules at the place of classes and the EU directive of the GDPR
  3. Regulations come in effect on the date of their publication.


                                                           Dr n. med. Piotr Cygański, MD, PhD, 25.09.2024