
Topics of Bedside teaching:


Pulmonology (30h – 5 days 08.00-13.00):

  1. Tuberculosis: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
  2. Patient with chronic respiratory failure.
  3. Patient  with pneumonia.
  4. Patient with COPD and asthma.
  5. Diagnosis of cough.
  6. Indications for lung transplantation
  7. Rare lung diseases.


Cardiology (54h – 8 days 08.00-13.00, last classes 8.00-13.15):

  1. Valvular heart diseases
  2. Atrial fibrillation and supraventricular tachycardia
  3. Syncope - diagnosis and treatment, conduction disorders
  4. Chronic heart failure
  5. Sudden cardiac arrest and indications for ICD
  6. Electrical cardioversion and indications for permanent heart pacing
  7. Myocarditis
  8. Infective endocarditis and acute and chronic pericarditis
  9. Differentiation of arrhythmias - the basics



Rheumatology (30h –5 days 08.00-13.00):

  1. Principles of history taking and clinical evaluation of patient with rheumatoid disease. Interpretation of lab tests and imaging techniques in rheumatology.
  2. Seronegative spondyloarthropaties; arthroses; gout, osteoporosis.
  3. 3.       Physical therapy in rheumatology. Autoimmune diseases of connective tissue: SLE, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, polymyalgia rheumatica.


Hematology (18h - 3 days):

  1. Diagnosis and treatment of thrombocytopenia.
  2. Lymphomas.
  3. 3.       Myelodysplastic syndromes.



Gastroenterology (18h – 3 x 6h):


  1. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
  2. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, EUS: preparation, course,

             indications, contraindications

  1. Radiological examinations in pathologies of the digestive system